الذاكرة السورية هي ملك لكل السوريين. يستند عملنا إلى المعايير العلمية، وينبغي أن تكون المعلومات دقيقة وموثوقة، وألّا تكتسي أيّ صبغة أيديولوجية. أرسلوا إلينا تعليقاتكم لإثراء المحتوى.


REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL CONCLUSIONS ON THE OUTCOME OF CONSULTATIONS WITH THE SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC REGARDING ITS CHEMICAL WEAPONS DECLARATION 1. In line with the Executive Council’s request (EC-81/DEC.4, dated 23 March 2016), and following the Director-General’s engagement with the Syrian Arab Republic on all issues, the Syrian Arab Republic has provided new information on some outstanding items. The Secretariat notes that as a result of this additional information, the Syrian Arab Republic provided new submissions to update relevant parts of its declaration. These amendments may be considered as additional steps towards completion of the declaration. However, the Secretariat is not in a position to verify the underpinning explanations given for these amendments. 2. Throughout this process, the Syrian Arab Republic has engaged with the Secretariat on its requests, and lines of communication have remained open between the Director-General and the Vice Foreign Minister of the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as at the technical level. 3. The new information presented by the Syrian Arab Republic during recent consultations does not resolve the outstanding issues. In many instances, such new information presents a considerable change in narrative from information provided previously—or raises new questions. In some cases, this new information contradicts earlier narratives, further complicating the Secretariat’s efforts to assist the Syrian Arab Republic in arriving at a declaration that can be considered accurate and complete. Since the start of its work to support the Syrian Arab Republic on its declaration, the Secretariat notes that the number of outstanding issues requiring clarification has increased steadily over time. 4. The Secretariat notes that a lack of original documentation has been a major barrier in corroborating much of the information provided by the Syrian Arab Republic. Additionally, the Secretariat notes that its lack of access to and engagement with senior leadership within the Syrian chemical weapons programme has precluded the Secretariat’s understanding of the full scope and activities of its programme. 5. As a result of recent consultations, the Secretariat concludes the following with respect to the three main clusters of issues: (a) The role of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) in the Syrian chemical weapons programme. The Syrian Arab Republic declared some parts of the SSRC under Articles VI and X of the Convention. However, the Secretariat assesses that such declarations do not adequately address the full EC-82/DG.18 page 2 scope of the SSRC’s activities related to the Syrian chemical weapons programme. In this regard, the Secretariat finds that there is sufficient scientific and technical basis to declare all relevant parts of the SSRC under Articles III and VI of the Convention. (b) Results of analyses of samples collected at multiple locations in the Syrian Arab Republic. Whereas in some instances the results of analyses confirm information provided in the Syrian Arab Republic’s declaration, a majority of sample results indicated the presence of unexpected or undeclared chemical compounds. Such results indicate potentially undeclared chemical weaponsrelated activities at these locations. Following extensive technical consultations on these results, the Secretariat considers that many of the explanations provided by the Syrian Arab Republic are not scientifically or technically plausible, and that the presence of several undeclared chemical warfare agents is still to be clarified. (c) Other chemical weapons-related activities that occurred prior to the Syrian Arab Republic’s accession to the Convention. Based on information made available through technical meetings, interviews, site visits, or documents, the Secretariat has been able to verify some of the information provided by the Syrian Arab Republic. However, the Secretariat is unable to verify the precise quantity of chemical weapons that were destroyed or consumed prior to the Syrian Arab Republic’s accession to the Convention. 6. In its initial declaration, the Syrian Arab Republic declared production or possession of four chemical warfare agents. As a result of the DAT's consultations, the Syrian Arab Republic declared one additional chemical agent. However, the results of sampling and analysis indicated potentially declarable activities involving five additional chemical agents. Following recent consultations with the Secretariat, the Syrian Arab Republic declared research and development of one more chemical agent. At present, Syria has not yet adequately explained the presence of indicators of four chemical warfare agents. 7. A significant amount of time and effort has already been expended in order to resolve the outstanding issues enumerated in the report1 , including the high-level engagement of the Director-General. The Secretariat is of the view that a continuation of this effort without a change in approach by the Syrian Arab Republic to resolve all outstanding issues related to its declaration is unlikely to yield concrete results. The Secretariat reiterates its call for the Syrian Arab Republic to provide information that is scientifically and technically plausible, to facilitate access to individuals with strategic knowledge and oversight of the Syrian chemical weapons programme, and to engage in a dialogue that is proactive and fully transparent. 8. At present, the Secretariat is not able to resolve all identified gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies in Syria’s declaration, and therefore cannot fully verify that Syria has submitted a declaration that can be considered accurate and complete in accordance with the Chemical Weapons Convention or Council decision EC-M-33/DEC.1, dated 27 September 2013. 

المعلومات الأساسية

تاريخ الصدور




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كود الذاكرة السورية


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لايوجد معلومات حالية

درجة الموثوقية:


  • صحيحة
  • غير صحيحة
  • لم يتم التأكد من صحتها
  • غير محدد