الذاكرة السورية هي ملك لكل السوريين. يستند عملنا إلى المعايير العلمية، وينبغي أن تكون المعلومات دقيقة وموثوقة، وألّا تكتسي أيّ صبغة أيديولوجية. أرسلوا إلينا تعليقاتكم لإثراء المحتوى.

UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation: Financial Sanctions Notice - 17/02/2022

1\. The Syria (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/792) were made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (the Sanctions Act) and provide for the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, entities or bodies involved in repressing the civilian population in Syria or who is or has been involved in supporting or benefitting from the Syrian regime and who are or have been carrying on prohibited activities related to chemical weapons. 2. This notice is to issue a correction to 5 listings in the new version of the consolidated list bringing the entry in line with the UK Sanctions List. 3. Further, 1 entry has been updated in the previous version of the consolidated list. Notice summary 4. The following entry has been amended and is still subject to an asset freeze: • Bayan BITAR (Group ID: 13228) • SYRIAN PETROLEUM COMPANY (Group ID: 12644) 5. Duplicate aliases have been removed from the following entries on non-HTML/PDF formats of the Consolidated List. No material changes have been made to the new version of the Consolidated List in HTML format: • Samir HASSAN (Group ID: 12053) • Mohammad Ali JAFARI (Group ID: 10638) 2 • Mohamed OURJMAN (Group ID: 13400) 6. The following entry has been amended on the previous version of the consolidated list and remains subject to an asset freeze: • Adel Anwar AL-OLABI (Group ID: 13821) What you must do 7. You must: i. check whether you maintain any accounts or hold any funds or economic resources for the persons set out in the Annex to this Notice; ii. freeze such accounts, and other funds or economic resources and any funds which are owned or controlled by persons set out in the Annex to the Notice iii. refrain from dealing with the funds or assets or making them available (directly or indirectly) to such persons unless licensed by the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI); iv. report any findings to OFSI, together with any additional information that would facilitate compliance with the Regulations; v. provide any information concerning the frozen assets of designated persons that OFSI may request. Information reported to OFSI may be passed on to other regulatory authorities or law enforcement. 8. Where a relevant institution has already reported details of accounts, other funds or economic resources held frozen for designated persons, they are not required to report these details again. 9. Failure to comply with financial sanctions legislation or to seek to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence. Further Information 10. Copies of recent notices, UK legislation and relevant guidance can be obtained from the Syria financial sanctions page on the Gov.UK website: 3 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/financial-sanctions-regime-specificconsolidated-lists-and-releases 11. The Consolidated List can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/financial-sanctions-consolidated-list-oftargets/consolidated-list-of-targets 12. Further details on changes to the new format of the consolidated list can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-sanctions-list-change-informat/uksanctions-list-change-to-the-lists-format 13. The UK Sanctions List can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-uk-sanctions-list 14. For more information please see our guide to financial sanctions: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-financial-sanctions-guidance Enquiries 15. Non-media enquiries about the implementation of financial sanctions in the UK should be addressed to: Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation HM Treasury 1 Horse Guards Road London SW1A 2HQ [email protected] 16. Non-media enquiries about the sanctions measures themselves should be addressed to: [email protected] 17. Media enquiries about how financial sanctions are implemented in the UK should be addressed to the Treasury Press Office on 020 7270 5238. 18. Media enquiries about the sanctions measures themselves should be addressed to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Press Office on 020 7008 3100. 4 ANNEX TO NOTICE FINANCIAL SANCTIONS: SYRIA THE SYRIA (SANCTIONS) (EU EXIT) REGULATIONS 2019 (S.I. 2019/792) AMENDMENTS ON NEW VERSION OF THE CONSOLIDATED LIST Deleted information appears in strikethrough. Additional information appears in italics and is underlined. Individuals 1. HASSAN, Samir Name (non-Latin script): حسان a.k.a: (1) AL-HASSAN, Sameer (2) AL-HASSAN, Samir (non-Latin script: سمير) (3) HASAN, Sameer (4) HASAN, Samir (5) HASSAN, Sameer Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): SYR0217 Business interests: Cham Holdings, Byblos Bank Syria, Syrian Kuwaiti Insurance Company, Amir Group (UK Statement of Reasons): Leading businessperson operating in Syria, with interests and/or activities in multiple sectors of Syria's economy. He holds interests in and/or has significant influence in the Amir Group and Cham Holdings, two conglomerates with interests in the real estate, tourism, transport and finance sectors. From March 2014 until September 2018, he held the position of Chairman for Russia of the Bilateral Business Councils following his appointment by Minister of Economy, Khodr Orfali. Samir Hassan supports the regime's war effort with cash donations. Samir Hassan is associated with persons benefitting from or supporting the regime; in particular, he is associated with Rami Makhlouf and Issam Anbouba, both designated persons and benefits from the Syrian regime. (Gender): Male Listed on: 24/08/2011 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: 14/02/2022 17/02/2022 Group ID: 12053. 2. JAFARI, Mohammad Ali Name (non-Latin script): محمدعلی جعفری DOB: 01/09/1957. POB: Yazd, Iran a.k.a: (1) JAAFARI, Ali (2) JAAFARI, Aziz (3) JAAFARI, Mohamed (4) JAAFARI, Mohamed-Ali (5) JAAFARI, Mohammad, Ali (6) JAAFARI, Mohammad-Ali (7) JAAFARI, Mohammed (8) JAAFARI, Mohammed-Ali (9) JAAFARI, Muhammad (10) JAAFARI, Muhammad-Ali (11) JAFARI, Ali (12) JA'FARI, Ali (13) JA'FARI, Aziz (14) JAFARI, Aziz (non-Latin script: جعفری محمدعلی) (15) JAFARI, Mohamed (16) JA'FARI, Mohamed (17) JAFARI, Mohamed-Ali (18) JA'FARI, Mohamed-Ali (19) JA'FARI, Mohammad, Ali (20) JAFARI, Mohammad-Ali (21) JA'FARI, Mohammad-Ali (22) JAFARI, Mohammed (23) JA'FARI, Mohammed (24) JAFARI, Mohammed-Ali (25) JA'FARI, Mohammed-Ali (26) JAFARI, Muhammad (27) JA'FARI, Muhammad (28) JAFARI, Muhammad-Ali (29) JA'FARI, Muhammad-Ali (30) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Ali (31) JAFARINAJA-FABADI, Aziz (32) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Mohamed (33) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Mohamed-Ali (34) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Mohammad, Ali (35) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Mohammad-Ali (36) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Mohammed (37) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Mohammed-Ali (38) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Muhammad (39) JAFARI-NAJA-FABADI, Muhammad-Ali Nationality: Iran Position: Former General Commander of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): IHR0061, INU0011 and SYR0161 Listed under the Iran (Human Rights), Iran (Nuclear), and Syria sanctions regimes. (UK Statement of Reasons): Former General Commander of the IRGC. 5 IRGC and the Sarollah Base commanded by General Aziz Jafari has played a key role in illegally interfering with the 2009 Presidential Elections, arresting and detaining political activists, as well as clashing with protestors in the streets. Brigadier Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari is the former General Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Involved in providing equipment and support to help the Syrian regime suppress protests in Syria. (Gender): Male Listed on: 24/06/2008 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: 28/01/2022 17/02/2022 Group ID: 10638. 3. OURJMAN, Mohamed DOB: --/--/1966. POB: Damascus, Syria a.k.a: (1) TOURJMAN, Mohammad, Ramez (2) TOURJMAN, Mohammed (3) TOURJMAN, Mohammed, Ramez (4) TOURJMAN, Muhammad (5) TOURJUMAN, Mohamed (6) TOURJUMAN, Mohammad, Ramez (7) TOURJUMAN, Mohammed (8) TOURJUMAN, Muhammad Nationality: Syria Position: Former Minister of Information Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):SYR0167 (UK Statement of Reasons): Former Minister of Information; participated in, benefited from, or otherwise supported the Syrian regime (Gender): Male Listed on: 14/11/2016 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: 31/12/2020 17/02/2022 Group ID: 13400. 4. BITAR, Bayan DOB: 08/03/1947. a.k.a: (1) AL-BITAR, Bayan (2) AL-BITAR, Doctor, Bayan (3) BITAR, Doctor, Bayan Address: PO Box 11037, Damascus, Syria. Position: Managing Director of the Organisation for Technological Industries (OTI) and the Syrian Company for Information Technology (SCIT) Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): SYR0030 (UK Statement of Reasons): Managing Director of the Organisation for Technological Industries (OTI), and the Syrian Company for Information Technology (SCIT), which are both subsidiaries of the Syrian Ministry of Defence, which has been designated by the Council. OTI assists in the production of chemical weapons for the Syrian regime. As Managing Director of OTI and the SCIT Bayan Bitar provides support to the Syrian regime. Due to his role in the production of chemical weapons, he also shares responsibility for the violent repression against the Syrian population. In view of his senior position in these entities, he is also associated with the designated entities OTI and SCIT. (Gender): Male Listed on: 09/03/2015 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: 31/12/2020 17/02/2022 Group ID: 13228. Entity 1. SPC Syrian Petroleum Company a.k.a: Syrian Petroleum Company SPC Address: (1) PO BOX:3378. (2) P.O. BOX: 2849 Dummar Province, Expansion Square, Island 19-Building 32, P.O. BOX: 2849. Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): SYR0335 Oil and Gas (UK Statement of Reasons): State-owned oil company. Provides financial support to the Syrian regime. (Phone number): (1) +963-11-3137913 (2) +963-11-3137935 (3) +963-11-3137977 (4) +963- 11-3137979 (Website): (1) www.spc.com.sy (2) www.spc-sy.com (Email address): (1) [email protected] (2) [email protected] (Type of entity): State-owned Listed on: 26/03/2012 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: 31/12/2020 17/02/2022 Group ID: 12644. AMENDMENT ON PREVIOUS VERSION OF THE CONSOLIDATED LIST 6 Individual 1. AL-OLABI, Adel Anwar Name (non-Latin script): العلبي أنور عادل DOB: --/--/1976. a.k.a: (1) AL-OLABI, Adel, Anouar (2) AL-OLABI, Adil, Anwar (3) ELOULABI, Adel, Anouar (4) EL-OULABI, Adel, Anwar (5) EL-OULABI, Adil, Anwar Nationality: Syria Position: (1) Governor of Damascus (2) Chairman of Damascus Cham Holding Company Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): SYR0356 Chairman of Damascus Cham Holding Company (DCHC) (UK Statement of Reasons): Leading businessperson benefiting from and supporting the regime. Vice Chairman of Damascus Cham Holding Company (DCHC), the investment arm of the Governorate of Damascus managing the properties of the Governorate of Damascus and implementing the Marota City Project. Adel Anwar Al-Olabi is also the Governor of Damascus, appointed by Bashar Al-Assad in November 2018. As Governor of Damascus and Vice Chair of DCHC, he is responsible for efforts to implement regime policies of developing expropriated land in Damascus (including Decree No.66 and Law No.10), most notably through the Marota City Project. (Gender): Male Listed on: 17/02/2020 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: 14/02/2022 17/02/2022 Group ID: 13821. Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation HM Treasury 17/02/2022

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