الذاكرة السورية هي ملك لكل السوريين. يستند عملنا إلى المعايير العلمية، وينبغي أن تكون المعلومات دقيقة وموثوقة، وألّا تكتسي أيّ صبغة أيديولوجية. أرسلوا إلينا تعليقاتكم لإثراء المحتوى.

Syrian Coalition Condemns PYD's Kidnapping of Hawass Khalil

Press Statement Original in arabic

Syrian Coalition

Media Office

November 29, 2016

In continuation of its repressive practices against the Syrian people, elements of the Asayish forces, the police force of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) on Monday kidnapped Hawass Khalil, member of the Syrian Coalition's political committee and member of the Kurdish National Council. Khalil was taken from his home in the village of Karki in Hasaka province and to an unknown destination.

The Syrian Coalition condemns these repeated repressive practices by the PYD, including the kidnapping of political activists and dissidents. The Coalition holds the PYD leadership responsible for this unacceptable act and for its consequences as it calls for the immediate release of Khalil and his colleague Jad'aan Ali as well as all detainees in the PYD prisons.

We salute Khalil and his colleague as we call for them as well as all the detainees in the PYD and Assad regime prisons to be freed.

The Coalition renews condemnation of these detentions and all other repressive acts by the PYD.

The practices of tyrants are the same everytime and everywhere. They are aimed at suppressing freedom of speech and any forms of opposition. These practices are consistent with the Assad regime's mentality of oppression and arbitrary detention.

May our wounded recover, our detainees be free, and our fallen heroes rest in peace.

Long live Syria and its people, free and with honor.

المعلومات الأساسية

تاريخ الصدور




نوع الوثيقة

بيان صحفي

المنطقة الجغرافية

محافظة الحسكة-كركي زيرا

كود الذاكرة السورية


كيانات متعلقة

المجلس الوطني الكردي

المجلس الوطني الكردي

حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي (PYD)

حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي (PYD)

شخصيات مرتبطة

يوميات مرتبطة

لايوجد معلومات حالية

درجة الموثوقية:


  • صحيحة
  • غير صحيحة
  • لم يتم التأكد من صحتها
  • غير محدد