الذاكرة السورية هي ملك لكل السوريين. يستند عملنا إلى المعايير العلمية، وينبغي أن تكون المعلومات دقيقة وموثوقة، وألّا تكتسي أيّ صبغة أيديولوجية. أرسلوا إلينا تعليقاتكم لإثراء المحتوى.

Sheikh Anas Ayrout Issues Statement

Media Statement

Syrian Coalition

Istanbul, Turkey

July 12, 2013

I deny all statements claiming that I’ve incited sectarian violence towards the Alawites. Furthermore, I reject all incitements of hatred or violence towards any one group or sect. I also want to reiterate my commitment to the principles of the Syrian Revolution, that justice and equality is for all Syrians.

It is my responsibility before both God and the Syrian people to stress that the only legitimate target are those who continuously commit humanitarian crimes against the Syrian people. Moreover, those who have committed crimes will be brought to justice.

All people inside Syria have a right to be protected and to be treated justly and equally.

God says in the Holy Qur’an: “Those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them.”

I wish to set the record straight that neither I nor the Syrian Coalition will tolerate violence toward civilians. We are committed to protecting all our Syrian brothers and sisters and bringing all perpetrators of violence to justice.

We ask for mercy for our martyrs, health for our wounded, and freedom for our detainees.

Long live Syria, and its people, free and with honor.

المعلومات الأساسية

تاريخ الصدور




نوع الوثيقة

بيان صحفي

البلد المستهدف


كود الذاكرة السورية


شخصيات مرتبطة

كيانات متعلقة

لايوجد معلومات حالية

يوميات مرتبطة

لايوجد معلومات حالية

درجة الموثوقية:


  • صحيحة
  • غير صحيحة
  • لم يتم التأكد من صحتها
  • غير محدد